Why not make your scrapbook a fun reading?
Here are some of the ideas on how you could organize your scrapbook content.
Sample 1
World History of Tobacco Poster
Source: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/2648743/The-history-of-tobacco
Sample 2
Cigarette: A Cancer in a Stick Poster
Source: http://i22.servimg.com/u/f22/14/42/63/83/some_k10.jpg
Sample 3
Risks of Smoking Poster
Source: http://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/tobaccouse/smoking/Risk-large.html
Sample 4
Nicotine Addiction Cycle Poster
Source: http://column5.columnfivemedia.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/why-s0-hard-to-quit-smoking-C5.jpeg
Sample 5
Quit Smoking Poster
Source: http://betobaccofree.hhs.gov/images/smoking-health-infographic-lg.jpg